Our son Jeff organized a work party at the new house for Richard's birthday party. Everyone came and worked hard weeding the yard for several hours, working especially hard getting the garden ready to plant. I bought Subway sandwiches, chips and cupcakes to celebrate.
Before everyone got there I worked on bucketing out the water in the pond. I scooped for an hour and had hardly made a ripple in the amount of water. Shirl, our neighbor, brought over his shop vac to move the work along. It sucked up the water easily but it was still hard to pull the shopvac to a place on the lawn to empty it. Then I was totally grossed out when big clumps of dead worms were dumped out on the lawn. I finally turned the icky job over to Richard and Richard. They got out all the water and then scrubbed away the slim and scum. After it was all clean, they really wanted to see the waterfall and fountains. With the help of Shirl again, they finally got it going. It is pretty cool. We just need to drain it again and paint the pool blue so it will look better.
Everyday I look forward to working at the new home and get so excited to think that we will soon be able to move in. I love it!